Blog Paula Montal Ikastetxea

Fundación Educativa Escolapias

Blog Paula Montal Ikastetxea - Fundación Educativa Escolapias


The first place we visited in our trip was a little square called “La Plaza Del Machete”. There, our guide explained us how they built a lot of houses out the city because there were a lot of people and the rich people wanted to live in a better place.

Then we went to the “Arquillos”, a place which was used for trade. There the merchants put their things and the people could see what were they selling
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Next she explained how a Neoclassical building was: it is a building with very little decoration. We saw a Neoclassical building near the “Arquillos”; it was the bank of Spain; its main features are: pillars, pedestals and frontals.

We also saw the history of the Spain square and the White Virgil`s square. Now we know how the Napoleon army defeated and how General Alava protected Vitoria from Wellington´s army. After that we went to his house.
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We also saw the history of the Spain square and the White Virgil`s square. Now we know how the Napoleon army defeated and how General Alava protected Vitoria from Wellington´s army. After that we went to his house.

And the final place was the council office, the Diputación building. We saw where the councelors meet and where the guests are hosted.
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Oscar Martín 4ºE.S.O