Blog Paula Montal Ikastetxea

Fundación Educativa Escolapias

Blog Paula Montal Ikastetxea - Fundación Educativa Escolapias


Pasaden hilabetean Anderazko kobibentzietara joan ginen, 2 mailako gela osoa. Han, eztabaidarik gabe elkarrekin bizitzen ikasi genuen. Goizeko bederatzietan jaikitzen ginen eta gela batean geratzen ginen goizeko otoitza egiteko. Otoitza egin ostean denbora librea geneukan eta Internadoko neska eta mutilekin egoten ginen. Horren ostean, jantokira joaten ginen bazkaltzera. Bazkaria oso ona zegoen. Bazkaltzen bukatzen genuenean etxeko gelara itzultzen ginen eta hor gai desberdinei buruz hitz egiten genuen. Arratsaldean denbora librea geneukan neska-mutilekin egoteko eta ingurua ezagutzeko.
Bi egun hauetan gauza garratzitsuei buruz hitz egin dugu Sagrario eta Aitorrekin, oso egun baliogarrariak suertatu dira eta Gasteizera itzultzean konturatu ginen benetan merezi izan zuela.
Carla Gonzalez (DBH2)



Haurrei irakurtzen irakastea esperientzia paregabea izan da. Horri esker, umeek irakurketa jarduera dibertigarri bezala ikusi dute, eta ez lan bezala. Gainera, haiek ez dira izan gauzak ikasi dituzten bakarrak, guk, DBHko Lehenengo kurtsoko ikasleok ere ideiak hobeto adierazten eta jolasten ere ikas dezakegula ikasi dugu.

Hain betebehar garrantzitsua gure eskuetan uzteak harritu nau. Umeek ikasten dituzten gauza guztietan jartzen duten gogoak ere arreta deitu dit. Gauza guztiengatik ekintza hau beharrezkoa dela uste dut eta aurrera jarrai dezan gomendatzen dut.



Last week in my class 2º ESO we had the Diagnostic Tests.
The diagnostic test is a form to evaluate the level you have in a subject. You have to do 3 listenings and 3 readings with questions. But in mathematics and science, you have to do exercises and questions relationed with the subject you have.
Those test were 2 days long. Each test lasted 55 minutes and a break time of 5 minutes in the end of each test. There were 5 diagnostic tests and an extra questionary. Those tests were about English, Basque ,Spanish, Science and Mathemathics.
Kevin Elorrieta (2º ESO)IMG-20150318-WA0009


Some weeks ago we, the pupils of 1º ESO went to the Bibat museum,  where we were looking and learning about how men and women lived at Paleolitic and Neolitic seasons , what kind of tools they made , how they hunted , where they lived …
A guide made us a tour on the first floor while we were taught things found and also we were allowed to touch and see the different weapons they used.
In my opinion it was worth it , because we learned a lot.

María Saez (1ºESO)



On November 18th the fourth class of ESO went to visit the Neoclassical Vitoria.
The visit started in Montehermoso Palace. We made two groups and each group went with one girl who explained us everything about this period of history.
We saw all the Vitoria extension in the Neoclassical period: the squares and the streets that are in it and the old town of the city. They explained  us why the “Machete” square in called like that , and why the city hall windows have the form they have.
We also  learnt which  the funtion of the arches in the Arquillos building is and why they were made that way and who made them.
We saw the buildings that are of the Neoclassical period like “España Square” that during the time has  had different names.
The visit finished in the Magdalena Convent.
In conclusion we have seen all the buildings, streets, squares… of the Neoclassical Vitoria and we have learnt more about this period of the history.



To see more about this trip you can watch the following video:


Last 10th October, Friday 2º ESO went to Santa Maria cathedral. We saw different places of the cathedral, we learned about its history and different types of gothic architectural buildings .We walked around different places: the balcony were the soldiers were all the time searching for the enemy (patrol walk)or the chapel were the families prayed. The guide explained everything very well in English and we saw also a video of the history of Gazteiz too.
Everything was beautiful and amazing.



Sostenibilidad en bicicleta – muchas más bicis que coches por la ciudad.
Comunicación fluida- 100% de la población domina el inglés.
Cultura milenaria- museo nacional de prehistoria y vikingo interactivo.
Legalidad legal- las bicicletas se aparcan en la calle sin candado.
Educación vial- ni bicis ni peatones cruzan en rojo jamás.
Green capital 2014- los parques sirven para tumbarse con una toalla.
Ejército integrado en la ciudad- los barracones de su ciudadela están abiertos al footing popular.
Tecnología punta- wifi en las calles.

Todo esto y mucho más pudimos los alumn@s de 3º y 4º de la ESO aprender allí a finales de este mes en nuestro viaje fin de curso. No está en los libros.Por eso hay que ir allí, verlo y contarlo. Han sido 4 días de clases maestras. 24 hours


Acabó el ciclo de Kevin en el cole. Gracias a la financiación del AMPA, el colegio y el Gobierno Vasco hemos podido trabajar con Kevin, un irlandés que ha ayudado a nuestr@s chic@s de primaria y secundaria con el speaking.Su implicación en el centro ha sido muy alto y han sido casi 130 horas de conversación desde que empezó su tarea allá por el mes de enero.So, wherever you are, bye Kevin; thank you very much. See you

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